Tuesday, March 17, 2009


sometimes thing r easier said den done...
ppl come telling me dat to b strong and tough and show him dat i can b happy even when he is not around..i do appreciate wat they told me ..but it seems hard for me to try to do it..im a very stubborn gal..i sometimes want things my way..eh...most of the times..haha..i wonder how bi can able to stand me..but i do give in sometimes k...=p..

so anyways..having to live d way things r now is gonna b tough..where ever i go..ill think of him...yea..of cuz u cant jus forget bout him but when u come to think back of the things dat we did together last time..it really makes me sad..things r really diff now tho i kept telling my self dat things will come back to normal and perharps i shall jus assume dat he is till in Indonesia working der...=P..mum and sis r now at Indonesia..settling dad's stuff there..haih...its really sad seeing my mummy cried dat day..we lost a dad;someone who we can count on when we need advices and all; but mum, she lost her life time partner..i tried to b strong when i was back in Malaysia, trying not to cry in front of my mum cuz i know she will b even more sad as she has no one to go holidays with, no one to talk to her on da bed bfor she sleeps, no one to go walk walk with when the kids r not at home..=(..

seriously i dunno how long im gonna post bout this la..im sorry guys..i jus need to let it out cuz i wil feel less sad and fell better..i rather post it out here den talking to da toilet bowl and flush it all out kan??...

-cHing mEi-

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