on the 254th of Dec ,i followed my sis and joined her for Christmas dinner at TGI at Sunway pyramis with her frens..haha...it went pretty ok..took few pictures only cuz after dat bi came and pick me as we have other party at ju's housee..hehe..here are some of the pictures taken at TGI..here r some of the overdue picturess..=)
me and my sis..muaks!!!( sis trying to look cute der..=)..)
here are the pictures taken at Ju's christmas party..=)
Gary and his gf, Lina..
haha.lets look at wat my new camera can do..its magic people...hahah..this is brnadon btw...( take 1)
hahaha...my camera has this function called da smile detactor.. so if u r not smiling after taking a pic..u can eventually make ur face smile..but this look really weird la...and funny k..everybody started laughing afer seeing this..hahah.. take 2..this is da second degree laugh..=)
haha..this is da 3rd degree laugh..hahaha..
der...tada!! hers nice right??=) looks so real...
hahahahahahaha....brandon, king han and cheryl...king han looks like a lego character..hahahaha
eeee.my connection here is so slow today!!! ill cont uploading pictures tmr k!!..hehheee.. muaksss..
good nite bi...=)
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