with love,
from Me and Princess Candy!!!
my chapters of life begin here..=)
this was taken while we were at da changing room..we always do dat actualy..=)
this was taken 2 days ago outside cineleisure...=)
gtg..will upload da water fall pic tmr or something k!!..
good day ppl!!
hiayo..ill upload later k..need to do my visa stuff first..=)
this is daddy here..and mummy at the back carrying dragon..=)
here are the pictures taken at Ju's christmas party..=)
haha.lets look at wat my new camera can do..its magic people...hahah..this is brnadon btw...( take 1)
hahaha...my camera has this function called da smile detactor.. so if u r not smiling after taking a pic..u can eventually make ur face smile..but this look really weird la...and funny k..everybody started laughing afer seeing this..hahah.. take 2..this is da second degree laugh..=)
hahahahahahaha....brandon, king han and cheryl...king han looks like a lego character..hahahaha
eeee.my connection here is so slow today!!! ill cont uploading pictures tmr k!!..hehheee.. muaksss..
good nite bi...=)